How does solar panel manufacturing go in India?


The tasks of solar panel manufacturing companies are very crucial, as one can easily understand from the amount of work that they require doing as a whole. As solar energy use and on the same hand the demands of the solar panels are rising on a day to day and year to year basis, the need and demands, in general, are also rising equally amongst the people at large. But at the same place, a lot of people have questions regarding the process of manufacturing these panels, which is indeed a very interesting part altogether. Generally, this is a very huge process where at least 20-25 machines work altogether and employs around 18 steps which finally goes at the end till making the process of the solar panel manufacturing complete. So in this blog, we would be looking at the entire process that is involved in making these solar panels which are in high demand throughout the entire country.

So the makings of solar panels are also involving a major step where the Income Quality Checks and the Final Quality Assurance is also being done equally at greater lengths. All the solar panel manufacturers in West Bengal have to go through a very complex process in that case as well. Commonly as it is known, all the major components used in a solar panel are solar cells, glass, EVA, black sheets and frames. Generally, if we speak of the different types and technologies of Solar Panels used, then we can refer to the three major panels which are the monocrystalline solar panels. Polycrystalline solar panels and thin-film solar panels.

Thus at the different structures involved where the main structure begins from the cell structures and goes on till the different types of materials which are being used for manufacturing, such as mono silicon elements, polysilicon, and amorphous silicon are also being used. In terms of the performance of the cell, there is also a strong manufacturing process involved where the first two kinds of cells are quite similar and have a strong relationship in terms of their adaptability and capability. So, let us see and understand gradually what are the processes and the steps involved in this process as a whole;

The main process starts with the Sanding of the parts. This process is the initial and beginning part of the entire process. It generally starts with the raw material work which is done with the help of sand. In the majority of the cases, solar panels are made using silicon and the major component used in this case is the natural sand taken from the beach. Silicon is a material that is available in an abundant manner being the most abundantly available material on the earth. Converting sand into high-grade silicon comes at a cost that is quite higher grade and cost and is an energy-intensive process usually. Generally, high purity silicon is produced from quarts in arc furnaces.

The most important part of the process which gradually follows is then ignition to prepare off all the cells and the silicon portion, which is the main portion that attracts the maximum amount of heat and converts energy received from the sun to real form of electricity that is used up and helps in the running of all the major electrical appliances. This is also an important process where a huge amount of tasks starting from melting at higher temperatures to the ingots till converting it into different forms of cylinders which will finally come out as the final products that can be used for other technical tasks that will go forward to the prepare the outcome.

All the solar panel suppliers in Kolkata are very well equipped and heavily busy with their tasks of manufacturing these solar panels which are the future and prospected driving force of the energy and economic needs of the nation. As a lot of investment and research on this field by the government is going on at a great rate the effectiveness with its invention. It is proved through research that before the invention of the first silicon photovoltaic cells in 1954, most of the growth has been contributed till now.

However, as a whole, the entire process of Solar panel manufacturing goes entirely through a massive chain and includes a lot of studies to be done along with testing and proving the efficiency at large that can work for the best, something that is included as well.

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