How solar training and education is going to shape the future of energy transition in the country?

The most important criterion to use solar energy and solar technology is very much dependent based upon those people on the right approach with having the right knowledge to use it and in the right direction. At the same time, some points need to be considered in a way for looking into the ways where […]

How can solar energy be an alternative to fuel used in cooking?

These days in India, but all around the world as well, fuel prices and the price of cooking gas are becoming a matter of worry for the common people. But unfortunately, there has been no such innovation and solution being introduced for relieving the common masses from this kind of pressure. So, the technology of […]

How can the use of solar power help in the operations of the aviation industry?

The use of solar energy is emerging as a widely usable alternative, with its acceptance growing in terms of use over a lot of areas throughout India and also in the entire world. So, in the due course of time, there are a lot of areas and industries of our country who are looking ahead […]