How to make the maximum from the solar power through the orientation of the solar plants?

Best Solar Plant Installers of Andaman

According to experts, the placement and orientation of solar panels is just as important as which type of solar panel is used in a given situation. In order for solar panels to reach their peak generation capacity, a panel must face the correct direction and have the appropriate tilt according to their geographical location and meteorological data. Solar panels will harness the most power when the sun’s rays hit its surface perpendicularly during the highest intensity of sunlight and for the greatest period of time. The Best Solar Plant Installers of Andaman possess the expertise to make this happen.

The Best Solar Plant Installation comes with the expertise of the dedicated engineering

Some of the tips that are useful for making maximum use of the orientation are as follows

Understanding the location
The geographical location will be essential when orientating the panels, and while in the northern hemisphere solar panels should face true south, in the southern hemisphere these must face true north. Normally, achieving the perfect perpendicularly of the sun’s rays is the optimal orientation so that solar panels receive direct light throughout the day.

Slight rotation is good
It may also be beneficial to have a slight rotation. By providing the panels this slight rotation our system would be able to produce more electricity at the hours when it is needed. This rotation will cause a decrease in total production, which in reality could make more economical sense for the owners who might prefer to utilize their generated energy when it might prefer to utilize their generated energy when it might be more expensive from the grid (late afternoon before the sun sets).

Focus on the angle of tilt
The angle or tilt of a solar panel is also an important factor. The angle that a solar panel should be set at to produce the most energy in a given year is determined by the geographical latitude. A general rule for optimal annual energy production is to set the solar panel tilt angle equal to the geographical latitude. For example, if the location of the solar array is at 50* latitude, the optimal tilt angle is also 50*. Essentially, the closer a solar panel is located to the equator the more the panel should be pointing straight up. The closer the panel is to the poles , the more they should tilt towards the equator.

Favoring East-West Structures
Taking into account the importance of the orientation and the tilt, why then are East-West facing structures on the rise?
Basically, the reason why solar arrays that are situated east-west are becoming an industry trend rapidly is because these structures can squeeze in more rows and panels, and therefore a greater generation capacity than their south-north facing cousins ( in terms of the project surface, not generation capacity per module).

Residential Applications
In the residential sector, east-west structures are also having an impact as a result of failing feed-in tariffs (FITs) and rising electricity prices. As in other scenarios, east-west structures may make more economical sense as people generally leave home in the morning and come back in the afternoon or early evening. Therefore, having PV panels that provide more electricity at these times, rather than at midday when so many properties are empty, could be very beneficial.

Commercial Applications
In terms of commercial roofs, which tend to be flatter and therefore easier to design, east-west structures allow warehouses, factories and offices to fit as many panels as possible onto their roofs. Additionally, south-facing panels tilted at 30* need heavy concrete ballasts to prevents winds blowing the modules over, or off the roof (fixing panels directly to the roof usually causes waterproofing damage). On the other hand , tightly panels do not require such heavy ballasting, therefore lightening the load on the roof and cutting costs as a result.

For the Best Solar Plant Installation, Contact us now.

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